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6 nimmt!
Setup1Shuffle the cards well
2Each player gets 10 cards![Animatioin inside]()

3Draw four cards from the deck and place them openly in a row on the table![Animatioin inside]()
Each of these four cards starts a new row

1Shuffle the cards well
Shuffle the cards well
2Each player gets 10 cards![Animatioin inside]()

Each player gets 10 cards

3Draw four cards from the deck and place them openly in a row on the table![Animatioin inside]()
Each of these four cards starts a new row

Draw four cards from the deck and place them openly in a row on the table
Each of these four cards starts a new row

You each add a card to a row
Whoever places the 6th card in a row must take the entire row![Animatioin inside]()

3Every collected bull's head counts as a minus point![Animatioin inside]()
So, try not to take any cards and collect as few cattle heads as possible

You each add a card to a row
You each add a card to a row
Whoever places the 6th card in a row must take the entire row![Animatioin inside]()

Whoever places the 6th card in a row must take the entire row

3Every collected bull's head counts as a minus point![Animatioin inside]()
So, try not to take any cards and collect as few cattle heads as possible

Every collected bull's head counts as a minus point
So, try not to take any cards and collect as few cattle heads as possible

Gameplay1Each player chooses a card from their hand and places it face down in front of them![Animatioin inside]()

2Are everyone ready?![Animatioin inside]()
Reveal your cardsThe player with the lowest number startsProceed in ascending order![Animatioin inside]()

Add your cards to the rows in this order
When it's your turn, add a card to one of the four rows![Expand]()
There is always only one row where you can correctly add your card
4Consider the following 2 points:![Animatioin inside]()
1: Your card must be higher than the last card in the row![Animatioin inside]()

2: The last card must have the smallest difference to your card![Animatioin inside]()

Are you placing the 6th card in a row?![Animatioin inside]()
Take all cards in that row. Focus on the blue and yellow areas
Then place your card as the new starting card in the row

6If all the existing cards are higher than your card?![Animatioin inside]()
Choose the row with the fewest bull's heads
Then place your card as the new starting card in that row![Animatioin inside]()

7When all cards are laid out, count your minus points![Link]()
1Each player chooses a card from their hand and places it face down in front of them![Animatioin inside]()

Each player chooses a card from their hand and places it face down in front of them

2Are everyone ready?![Animatioin inside]()
Reveal your cardsThe player with the lowest number startsProceed in ascending order![Animatioin inside]()

Add your cards to the rows in this order
Are everyone ready?
Reveal your cards
The player with the lowest number starts
Proceed in ascending order

Add your cards to the rows in this order
When it's your turn, add a card to one of the four rows![Expand]()
There is always only one row where you can correctly add your card
When it's your turn, add a card to one of the four rows
There is always only one row where you can correctly add your card
4Consider the following 2 points:![Animatioin inside]()
1: Your card must be higher than the last card in the row![Animatioin inside]()

2: The last card must have the smallest difference to your card![Animatioin inside]()

Consider the following 2 points:
1: Your card must be higher than the last card in the row

2: The last card must have the smallest difference to your card

Are you placing the 6th card in a row?![Animatioin inside]()
Take all cards in that row. Focus on the blue and yellow areas
Then place your card as the new starting card in the row

Are you placing the 6th card in a row?
Take all cards in that row. Focus on the blue and yellow areas
Then place your card as the new starting card in the row

6If all the existing cards are higher than your card?![Animatioin inside]()
Choose the row with the fewest bull's heads
Then place your card as the new starting card in that row![Animatioin inside]()

If all the existing cards are higher than your card?
Choose the row with the fewest bull's heads
Then place your card as the new starting card in that row

7When all cards are laid out, count your minus points![Link]()
When all cards are laid out, count your minus points
Evaluation1Everyone counts their collected bull's heads![Animatioin inside]()
The number printed on the top of the card shows how many minus points you get

2Record each player's points![Expand]()
When a player reaches 66 minus points, the game endsThe player with the fewest minus points wins
1Everyone counts their collected bull's heads![Animatioin inside]()
The number printed on the top of the card shows how many minus points you get

Everyone counts their collected bull's heads
The number printed on the top of the card shows how many minus points you get

2Record each player's points![Expand]()
When a player reaches 66 minus points, the game endsThe player with the fewest minus points wins
Record each player's points
When a player reaches 66 minus points, the game ends
The player with the fewest minus points wins