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Are you 4 players? Remove 2
Are you three? Remove 22
Are you 2 players? Remove 42

Make some hidden stacks out of the remaining wilderness tiles

Later, draw a random card from each animal type
For children and beginners, there's a simple card where all animals are scored equally

You randomly draw one of these 3-sided hexagons

Determine a starting player and then begin


The game ends when there are no hexagonal landscape tiles left

The player with the most points at the end wins


When it's your turn, you go through the following 4 phases

Push them aside
Draw new ones from the bag and lay them out
If they're all the same again, repeat the process
Then throw the old animals into the bag
Once during your turn you may:
Set aside 3 identical animals
Draw 3 new animals and place them in the display
Afterwards, throw the old animals into the bag

Throw it into the cone supply. Then you may:

It doesn't have to be the same landscape
Just make sure at least one side touches another tile
If you place it:
Find a suitable tile in your landscape where the animal can go
Is a white cone depicted on the tile where you placed the animal?
Then take a cone from the supply

End of the game!
Grab the score pad and tally the points


You receive points according to the size and pattern
Here, the A cards are explained
The points go in the left part of the box

largest area: 3 points
second largest area: 1 point
Is there a tie?

Each remaining cone scores you one point


Bears always want to be in pairs
Solo bears or groups do not score points
Each pair increases the score

Elk must stand in a straight line
Lines must not cross. Each elk may only have 2 neighbors

Salmons must swim in a line
The line doesn't have to be straight
Lines must not cross

Hawks must fly alone
The more single hawks, the more points
Groups of hawks do not score points

Foxes want many different neighbors
Up to 5 points, as there are 5 animal species