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Skip Bo


Are you 2-4 players? Then each gets 30 cards.
With 5-6 players, it's only 20 cards per person.

This is the draw pile!

and place it visibly back on top.

Whoever has the highest card starts!

Your personal supply. It has to go!
The top card is no secret and can be played.
Here you can make up to 4 of your own stacks, from which you play cards into the game.
The pile for everyone – this is where you get new cards.
Your target zone. Up to 4 open stacks, on which you place cards from 1 to 12 in ascending order.


Your goal: Move all cards from green to orange!

The color of the cards? Doesn't matter at all!


The starting player begins, then play continues clockwise

until you have 5 cards in your hand.
Often you'll still have cards from the last turn in your hand.
Here everyone tries to get rid of their cards.
Skip-Bo cards are the wildcards and always fit.
Without skipping numbers, please!
Skip-Bo cards can be used as any number in the game.
Now someone can start anew with a 1.
Goal: Place hand cards so that the next card of the player stack fits.
Then reveal the next card to make it visible.
then place one card from your hand face up on one of your helper piles
Up to 4 helper piles can be formed next to your player pile.
Only one helper card from the hand lands on the helper pile at the end of your turn
Starting from the next round, you are allowed to play the visible cards of your helper piles at any time.

When it's your turn again, there is already at least one card on the helper pile.
from the hand
from the helper piles
from the player pile (important!)
As long as you cannot or do not want to place any more cards
Then another card from your hand goes on one of your helper piles.
And it's the next player's turn.